Where Is Your Faith?

  1. Service Hours and Loving Your Neighbor
    • Collecting service hours cards.
    • Emphasizing the importance of volunteering and helping others.
    • Encouraging a collective effort in the church to be experts at loving neighbors.
  2. Faith, Fear, and Failure
    • Poses the question: "What would you do today if nothing could stop you?"
    • Discusses the concept of faith and how it relates to fear and failure.
    • Shares examples from scripture, such as the disciples' experience in the boat during a storm.
  3. Scripture Lesson: Luke 8:22-25
    • Describes a shift in the Book of Luke from words to actions in Jesus's ministry.
    • Narrates the story of Jesus and the disciples crossing the lake, facing a storm, and Jesus calming the winds and waves.
  4. Fear and Faith in Action
    • Explores the disciples' response to danger and their decision to wake Jesus.
    • Reflects on Peter's brief experience of walking on water and how fear impacted his faith.
  5. Doubt and Faith
    • Addresses the idea that doubt and faith are not mutually exclusive.
    • Encourages acting in faith even when there is doubt.
  6. Calling Out to Jesus
    • Emphasizes the importance of reaching out to Jesus in times of fear, doubt, and need.
    • Highlights different scenarios where individuals sought Jesus for help and the outcomes.
  7. Trusting in Jesus
    • Encourages trust in Jesus despite fear and doubt.
    • Affirms that faith in Jesus is the anchor in the midst of life's storms.
  8. Prayer
    • The conclusion includes a prayer, expressing the need for divine guidance, strength, and courage.

11:00 Message Oct 29, 2023 | Red Letters: Where Is Your Faith? | CWC